

At Clayfield College we are committed to the wellbeing of each individual in our community. The approach we take to strengthening wellbeing is outlined in Care@Clayfield, our whole school wellbeing framework. From Year 6 to Year 12 we use a multi-pronged approach to the care of our students. There are two key dimensions to this approach: the vertical House Hubs and the horizontal Year Level Hubs. The House Hubs focus on creating connections and a sense of belonging. 

Connections founded on authentic relationships which recognise students’ inherent value, understand their needs and endeavour to meet those needs, provide students with a strong anchor to ensure they function well. When students feel safe and valued their wellbeing improves, creating a context within which they are able to succeed.

Belonging to a House within the College hastens and deepens community connections. Each House has four multi-age Pastoral Care (PC) classes, which strengthen bonds between students from different year levels, within the House. House activities and competitions, whether sporting, cultural or celebratory further extend connections beyond a student’s immediate friendship group. Relationships built across year levels are protective factors for adolescents as they transition from childhood to adulthood.

The Year Level Hubs are facilitated by Heads of Year (HOYs), who have responsibility for the personalised care of the students within their cohorts. The relationship between a student and her HOY is fundamental to this care and is founded on ensuring that each individual is known, valued and understood. Our personalised care is realised through the interrogation of data relating to each individual needs.

The Head of Year oversees the creation and delivery of the Wellbeing and Foundations curriculum. This subject engages students in age specific learning programs designed to address issues relevant to them, including cyber safety and healthy relationships. Using four key themes of wellness, safety, relationships and purpose the curriculum includes:

  • the beliefs and behaviours of effective learners, 
  • the social and emotional dispositions which enable healthy relationships, 
  • skills of self-regulation,
  • societal issues with relevance to human flourishing.

We use expert presenters who work with our students in areas such as respectful relationships and cyber safety. This allows us to directly address the issue of bullying - its prevention and management. 

There is an overt no tolerance approach to bullying at Clayfield College.


The Secondary curriculum at Clayfield College becomes increasingly specialised from Year 7 to Year 12. It includes a blend of traditional academic disciplines explored through contemporary technologies and perspectives, as well as elements which sit outside the scope of the classroom, such as Outdoor Education and activities which may be regarded as co-curricular. Details of specific subject curriculum can be found in the Subject Handbooks.

Outdoor Education

The Secondary Outdoor Education Program aims to challenge and extend students from Years 7 to 10, with the purpose of building their capacity in the social, emotional and physical domains. The programs are designed so that there is a gradually increasing level of challenge and experiences are varied, but all provide opportunities to appreciate and connect with the natural environment. The combination of collaboration, appropriate risk taking and the natural environment provides a powerful recipe for strengthening the health and wellbeing of our students, both mentally and physically. Each Year level engages in a three-day camp targeting their developmental stage.

Years 7 - 9

The Years 7-9 learning environment is one where challenge, creativity, flexibility, curiosity, critical thinking and academic risk taking are encouraged and enabled. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students. Students are enriched academically via differentiated learning practices in the classroom and through opportunities outside the timetable to receive support or extension.

In Years 7 and 8, students engage in a suite of subjects acquiring knowledge and developing skills across a broad range of learning areas. The focus in these years is on learning to be an effective learner and building the cognitive skills which will facilitate academic success in later years. Curriculum content and time allocated is shaped by the Australian Curriculum, with literacy and numeracy being a focus in all Key Learning Areas. The following subjects form the course of study for Year 7 and 8 students.

Years 7 & 8 Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Christian Education
  • Performing Arts/Drama
  • Music
  • Visual Art
  • Food Technology
  • Design and Technologies
  • Digital Technologies
  • Engineering
  • Language – either Spanish or Chinese or EALD Support

In Year 9 students have more choice regarding the subjects they are studying, with the reduction in subjects considered as core and the addition of the concept of elective subjects. Students are encouraged to choose subjects that they enjoy and that offer them the opportunity to develop skills which will be useful for them as learners of the future.

Year 9 Subjects

Core subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Christian Education

Elective subjects

Students choose three subjects from the following list.

  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Chinese
  • Design and Technologies
  • Digital Technologies
  • Drama
  • Food Technology
  • Music
  • Spanish
  • Visual Art

Year 10

Students in Year 10 study a combination of core and elective subjects. A wide range of subject choices is offered to cater for a variety of interests, needs and established ability. Subjects offered in Year 10 are designed to be courses of completion, representing for some students, their final year of study in a particular area, as well as foundation courses for subjects which may be undertaken in Years 11 and 12. As foundation courses, these subjects allow students to make informed choices at the end of Year 10 based on interests and demonstrated aptitudes. In selecting subjects for Year 10, students are advised to keep in mind their tertiary aspirations and probable subject choices in Years 11 and 12; however, they are also encouraged to retain a balanced approach to facilitate a broad conceptual understanding and skill suite.

Core subjects

In Year 10 all students study:

  • English, Essential English or English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • a Mathematics subject – Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics or Essential Mathematics
  • a Science – Physics/Chemistry combination or a Science/Biology combination
  • a Humanities – either Historical Studies, People, Places and Philosophy, Accounting and Business, Economics and Legal Studies
  • Christian Education
  • Health and Wellbeing
Elective subjects

As well as this they choose three electives (which they have not chosen as core subjects above) from the following:

  • Chinese
  • Design and Engineering
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Physical Education 
  • Spanish
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Visual Art 
  • Vocational Education 

Year 11 & 12

Studies in Years 11 and 12 are considered the Senior Phase of Learning. Over these two years students work towards attaining a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and establishing a pathway to tertiary education or employment. Clayfield College caters for a broad range of interests and abilities offering both highly academic courses and vocational options. Details of specific subject curriculum can be found in the Subject Handbook for Years 11 and 12. Each student in Year 11 and 12 has a Learning Mentor to facilitate their success. This relationship enhances the learning experience for senior students.

Core subjects

It is compulsory for all girls in Years 11 and 12 to study

  • an English subject - English, Essential English, English as an Additional Language (EAL) or Literature
  • a Mathematics subject - General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Essential Mathematics
  • Christian Education
Elective subjects

They choose four electives from the following list:

  • Accounting
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese
  • Design
  • Diploma of Business
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Geography
  • Legal Studies
  • Modern History
  • Music
  • Music Extension (Year 12 subject only)
  • Philosophy and Reason
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Spanish
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Sport and Recreation
  • Visual Art
  • Vocational Education

There are a wide variety of vocational options for students to engage in. The Head of Careers and Pathways works with each individual student to determine the best program for them. Diplomas of Business and Project Management are run from our campus. TAFE options involve students attending other facilities on a day each week.