The Secondary curriculum at Clayfield College becomes increasingly specialised from Year 7 to Year 12. It includes a blend of traditional academic disciplines explored through contemporary technologies and perspectives, as well as elements which sit outside the scope of the classroom, such as Outdoor Education and activities which may be regarded as co-curricular. Details of specific subject curriculum can be found in the Subject Handbooks.
Outdoor Education
The Secondary Outdoor Education Program aims to challenge and extend students from Years 7 to 10, with the purpose of building their capacity in the social, emotional and physical domains. The programs are designed so that there is a gradually increasing level of challenge and experiences are varied, but all provide opportunities to appreciate and connect with the natural environment. The combination of collaboration, appropriate risk taking and the natural environment provides a powerful recipe for strengthening the health and wellbeing of our students, both mentally and physically. Each Year level engages in a three-day camp targeting their developmental stage.
Years 7 - 9
The Years 7-9 learning environment is one where challenge, creativity, flexibility, curiosity, critical thinking and academic risk taking are encouraged and enabled. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students. Students are enriched academically via differentiated learning practices in the classroom and through opportunities outside the timetable to receive support or extension.
In Years 7 and 8, students engage in a suite of subjects acquiring knowledge and developing skills across a broad range of learning areas. The focus in these years is on learning to be an effective learner and building the cognitive skills which will facilitate academic success in later years. Curriculum content and time allocated is shaped by the Australian Curriculum, with literacy and numeracy being a focus in all Key Learning Areas. The following subjects form the course of study for Year 7 and 8 students.