We recognise that moving from Primary School into Secondary School is a big change. Through our wellbeing framework, Care@Clayfield, and in partnership with you, your parents and our staff, we will support you to settle into Secondary School life as quickly as possible.
Our focus in Year 7 is on relationship building, particularly within your cohort. We have created a dedicated Year 7 and 8 space for you to enjoy socialising with your peers during breaks.
You’ll enjoy a three-day camp in Year 7 as part of our Outdoor Education Program, purposely scheduled early in the year, as a way of developing friendships.
We also deliver an age-appropriate wellbeing program that includes topics such as cyber safety, developing healthy habits, building resilience and managing disappointment. We invite expert presenters to visit our College and share insights on these important topics with you.
You will belong to a House as a way to deepen your connections throughout our Clayfield family. You will attend daily Pastoral Care Groups which have students from Years 6 to 12 and enable you to build authentic relationships throughout the year levels. House activities and competitions, whether sporting, cultural or celebratory, will further extend your connections beyond your immediate friendship group.
You will be allocated a Year 11 student to be your buddy to help support you through your transition into Secondary, and this continues until the end of Year 8. You will get to meet your buddy as part of the Transition and Orientation activities in the lead up to commencing in Year 7.
For some of you, you may not have experienced having different teachers for different subjects, and moving around the campus throughout the day for each lesson. But don’t worry, you will get use to this quickly, and it will help to grow your sense of independence in learning.
You may notice an increase in your homework and assessment expectations but be reassured that this will be introduced in a gradual way.
We have a compulsory Bring Your Own Technology Program, which means you use the technology or device you already possess and use at home, while at school.
Essentially, Year 7 is a foundational year. Our focus is on developing you to be an effective learner and helping you build the skills to enable academic success in future years.
We aim to build your academic courage and instil in you the belief that ‘anything is possible.’
You get to enjoy a suite of exciting and challenging subjects! This broad exposure helps you to start to identify your interests and passions and will assist when it comes time to choosing electives in your later Secondary School years.
You will study:
We offer experiences that encourage academic risk-taking, as well as creativity, curiosity and critical thinking. We do this both within the classroom, as well as through opportunities outside the classroom.
Some examples include:
There really is something for everyone! A great way to feel part of our Clayfield community quickly is to adopt a ‘have a go’ attitude and join in – whether that be as part of a sporting team, music ensemble, service group, academic club, or all of the above!
Browse through the extensive co-curriculum opportunities within our Secondary School.
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